
wow, what a good cup of tea

sipping on a cuppa of davids tea ‘cream of earl grey’, as i edit some photographs of a show i did pictures for last night

all i have here is some steeped tea with a dash of milk, no need for sugar (although i am usual a sugar in tea person) to make this tea nice and epic

drinking this in a glass mug my dad bought me while i visited him in the UK of ‘22, it is currently my favorite mug

this tea is just so soothing, it might just be that i am having it the morning after i was up until 2am downtown, but still, i am very soothed currently

i keep buying tea when i am out and about, i should get better at making tea at home more often, im sure i can become a pro at it and ensure every tea that i make i am happy about

but yeah, a really good cup of tea, first 10 on the tea log!
